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privacy statement ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::


Swishmail is committed to protecting your right to privacy when visiting our web site. We recognize that when you share your personal information with us, you expect us to treat that information in a serious and responsible manner. This privacy statement discloses what information we gather, how we use that information, and how you can correct or change that information.

Requesting your information

Occassionally, Swishmail will request personal information from our clients. Such information may include the client's name, address, email address, occupation, interests, etc. This information will enable Swishmail to determine which services you might be interested in. When you select the option of giving us personal information over the internet that we or our business partners may request, we will inform you of how we intend to use this information.

During registration, we will request PII in order for Swishmail to provide you with hosting services. We will use this information to send you invoices and instructions on how to set up the service or notify you about the standing of your account.

When we ask for personal information for any reason, we will provide a link to this policy statement to make our intentions clear.

If you purchase a product or service from us, we request certain personally identifiable information from you on our order form. You must provide contact information (such as name, email, and shipping address) and financial information (such as credit card number, expiration date).

We use this information for billing purposes and to fill your orders.  If we have trouble processing an order, we will use this information to contact you.

We use a credit card processing company to process your orders on the site.  When you sign up for Swishmail, we will share name, email and credit card number as necessary for the third party to provide that service.

These third parties are prohibited from using your personally identifiable information for any other purpose.

Personal Information Privacy

Swishmail will take all the necessary steps to keep your personal information confidential. Those steps include limiting access to client information databases, communicating this policy statement to all Swishmail employees and establishing and enforcing penalties for violating this statement.

Swishmail will not sell, rent, or give away our clients' personal information to other companies for use in selling others' products or services.

We gather personal information from our clients so we can better develop our relationship with those clients. Occasionally, we seek client comments on our products and services. These comments allow us to determine which products and services our clients should be made aware of based on their specific needs.

We will communicate with clients via e-mail or other online delivery devices only if the client agrees to receive those communications. Clients, who believe they are receiving our communications in error or no longer desire to receive them, should inform us and we will remove those clients' names from our mailing lists. However, Swishmail reserves the right, in its discretion, to send you bulletins and other information about Swishmail services. Swishmail will be judicious in the use of e-mail and paper mail to communicate with clients. We will, at all times, put ourselves in the place of the recipients of our mail and treat our clients as we ourselves would like to be treated.

Order Information Privacy and Credit Card Security

We currently use the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocol to safeguard your information, including your credit card number, during online transactions. None of the people, who have made purchases through Swishmail's Web site using SSL, have reported to us fraudulent use of their credit card as a result of their online order. We believe SSL to be a very safe encryption method, but we are always looking for even more secure encryption methods to safeguard information sent online. Our server will run detection software to help ensure you are using a secure browser and your information is secure when you check out. If our browser determines you are not using a secure browser, a message will appear at checkout.

To protect your information once your transaction is complete, Swishmail stores your information on an off-line server stored securely behind our firewall. There is no external access to this information and its internal access is strictly monitored.

For your protection, never put your credit card number or other sensitive information in unencrypted e-mail. In the extremely unlikely event that we ever do suspect a client's credit card number has been intercepted, we will immediately notify the client.

We follow generally accepted industry standards to protect the personal information submitted to us, both during transmission and once we receive it.  No method of transmission over the Internet, or method of electronic storage, is 100% secure, however.  Therefore, while we strive to use commercially acceptable means to protect your personal information, we cannot guarantee its absolute security.

If you have any questions about security on our Web site, you can email us at Safe Shopping Guarantee

As your trusted guide in today's online commerce, Swishmail helps ensure your protection by offering a safe shopping guarantee. Under the Fair Credit Billing Act, your credit card bank cannot hold you liable for more than $50 in unauthorized or fraudulent charges. Swishmail will cover the amount for which you are held liable up to the full $50 if the fraudulent transaction resulted through no fault of your own from purchases made at using our secure server. Swishmail also requires that you have followed all rules and procedures of your credit card provider relating to fraudulent and authorized use.


We don't use cookies.

Truste Privacy Program

Swishmail is a licensee of the TRUSTe Privacy Program.  TRUSTe is an independent, non-profit organization whose mission is to build user’s trust and confidence in the Internet by promoting the use of fair information practices.  This privacy statement covers the Web site  Because this Web site wants to demonstrate its commitment to your privacy, it has agreed to disclose its information practices and have its privacy practices reviewed for compliance by TRUSTe.

If you have questions or concerns regarding this statement, you should first contact Giselle Lian at If you do not receive acknowledgement of your inquiry or your inquiry has not been satisfactorily address, you should contact TRUSTe at TRUSTe will then serve as a liaison with us to resolve your concerns.

Contact Us

Swishmail is the sole operator of the Swishmail and Websak, LLC websites. If you would like to contact us for any reason regarding our privacy practices, please call, write, or email us at the following address:

Giselle Lian
4225 203RD ST
Bayside, NY 11361
(212) 937-4335

Effective Date: January 2, 2001


Email hosting, email service, email hosting service, business email, outsourced email, email services

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